Finally, I’ve just sent an email to Ka Chee.
When I did my typing with the keyboard, the song 《今天應該很高興》 comes into my mind. 「我將心聲 附加祝福 信箋寫滿……我默默地又再寫 彷彿相見」 Those were the days when we still used 信箋 rather than email for writing to people. 繼續閱讀
Finally, I’ve just sent an email to Ka Chee.
When I did my typing with the keyboard, the song 《今天應該很高興》 comes into my mind. 「我將心聲 附加祝福 信箋寫滿……我默默地又再寫 彷彿相見」 Those were the days when we still used 信箋 rather than email for writing to people. 繼續閱讀
講起英國炸飛機恐襲和神權,就想起前陣子讀報看到英國有主教教訓信眾在假期搭機去旅行乃犯罪的行為, 每日郵報引述該位名為Richard Chartres的主教的言論如下:
"There is now an overriding imperative to walk more lightly upon the earth and we need to make our lifestyle decisions in that light.
"Making selfish choices such as flying on holiday or buying a large car are a symptom of sin.
"Sin is not just a restricted list of moral mistakes. It is living a life turned in on itself where people ignore the consequences of their actions."
十多年後的英國,有政客利用民眾反恐的心理,在民間製造恐慌事件,蠱惑民意,趁機上台,並推行專制的神權統治,控制媒體,頒布戒嚴,以秘密警察監控社會民眾,有蒙面客欲以暴逆暴的手段企圖發動連串炸彈襲擊,推翻暴政……這就是V for Vendetta這齣戲的舞台。
昨日英國就宣佈粉碎了連環炸毀客機的恐襲陰謀,事情的發展實在惹人關注,尤其以黎衝突尚未平息,伊朗和北韓的危機也未解除,伊拉克那爛尾戰爭仍不知如何收科……V for Vendetta is a must see.
Do you guys think that I am a quiet guy?
I was told by my wife that my old Sunday School classmate Wong Ka Chee, who had moved to US for 19 years and I had no contact with him since then (but my wife had kept writing to Ka Chee until 10 years ago), described me as a quiet guy in his newest long-missing emails. (Thank God for restoring our long-lost contact through Rev. Lau.)